SCULPT digital sign




The Background

Utah Valley University's annual student showcase is taking place in the coming spring semester. The department wants the event advertised so that students will be aware of the date of the event and will want to attend. I will be designing digital signage to put up on the screens around the school.

My Role

I will be carrying out the design process from initial rough sketches to the final design and animation of the screens in Adobe XD.


The Objective

The UVU SCULPT event needs more people to be aware of the upcoming event and attend. They need a way to advertise the student showcase. In this first screen I will be creating digital signage that will showcase the time and date of the event.


  • Adviretise the time and date of the event
  • Show the event name
  • Incorperate the theme into the digital sign
  • Add a QR code to get students to go to the student showcase homepage


The Design

I started out the design process by creating wireframes of what I thought the final design should be. I needed to have a large image background and a way for the most important text to get the viewers attention. I made the most important information, the time and date of the event larger and of a brighter color so it would stand out from the background making it more prominent from the rest.

Prototyping and Next Steps

After the final design of the poster was completed I needed to animate the background so that the poster would slide through each image and the theme heading text as a slideshow. This was initially done in Adobe XD to demonstrate what the animation would look like when it was completed. The next steps of the project would be to take it into software like Adobe After Effects and create the final product. Posters informing the students on how to sign up and submit work for the event, as well as who has won and will be presenting at the showcase will also need to be created as time goes on.