Nike Website Redesign

User Interface




User Research


Usability Testing


This is a redesign of Nike's store website. I choose a few different pages and features of the website to try to improve upon and make it easier for the user navigating the website. I started by doing user research to get an idea of how users shop on the internet and learn what features are important for them when looking for items to purchase online. I continued the research by comparing similar websites and brands' UI laid out on their website. After the research and analysis, I started to experiment with the visual design of the site with sketches and wireframes. Once I had decided how I wanted the new features and layout of the webpages to look I created the final design and prototyping of the webpage.

My Role

I was the main designer on this project and carried out the research, design and user testing.


The problem

Certain features and pages on the website needed to be redesigned so that the user could better navigate the website and have a better online shopping experience. Through my research, I learned about some of the habits of online shoppers and what frustrations they have during their internet shopping experience.


  • Redesign the homepage of the website to include a link to the men's and women's pages.
  • Redesign the men's and women's pages to show the merchandise categories first.
  • Make the filtering feature easier for users to search for items.

The Solution

The Nike website needed to be easier for users to find particular merchandise. I wanted the homepage to show more product options and allow for easier access to men's and women's clothing and subcategories of them both, in addition, the men's and women's pages needed to show the merchandise and their categories first. Previously they did not. One of the last things that needed to be improved was the way the filter system for searching through the products was designed. I knew I could make it easier to use.


User Interviews

I want the user to research with the goal of finding out more about online shoppers' needs and habits. I started the research by interviewing people who frequent shopped online. I asked them to go through their normal processes well shopping online, how frequently they went online to shop, and some of the most important features of a website that they used frequently.

User insights

  • It is important for users to find the products they want easily.
  • Users want to be able to compare and save different items they are interested in before they purchase them.
  • They want to be able to filter through products easier to find what they are looking for quickly.

Competitive analysis

I also wanted to conduct a Competitive analysis of online websites selling similar products. I choose to research and compare the Adidas, Converse, and Reebok webpages to see how they were laid out and what their features were. Based on the user research I conducted earlier on, I wanted to see if these websites had certain features that were important to the users, one of them being having clear access to different clothing sections from the home page. I wanted to see if and how these different features were implemented in the UI of the websites.

After I finished gathering my research I created a user persona, based on the analysis of the information I collected. This will help in determining what users will need to get out of the website.



After my research and analysis, I started on the redesign of the UI for Nike's webpage. I used the user persona that I created to form my analysis of my research as well as what I learned from my Competitive analysis to start planning the new UI for the website.

Final UI

After the wireframing I created the final mockups for the new website, adding color and images to the UI.

One of the most challenging aspects of the new design was figuring out how to improve the filter feature of the item's search pages. I wanted to make it faster and easier for the user to find the categories for the items they might want to filter by. I also wanted the user to be able to see the categories they were filtering by even when the dropdown menu was closed. I also wanted them to have the ability to click out of each option if they wanted with the menu closed as well.

I needed to have the men's and women's pages show the merchandise they were selling first so that it would be easier for the user to find.


Throughout this project, I was able to learn more about the needs of my users. I would like to continue on with this project doing prototyping and then user testing to continue to improve upon the redesign of this webpage.